Linqi Ye (叶林奇) | THU-SHU Joint Lab of RoboArt & Embodied Intelligence

Our goal——
to make the most artistic machine in the technological field;
to create the most technologically advanced works in the art field.
This is a joint lab of Shanghai University and Tsinghua University, focusing on robotics, embodied intelligence, and their combination with fine art. I am an associate professor at the School of Future Technology (Institute of Artificial Intelligence), Shanghai University. From 2019 to 2022, I was a Postdoc at Tsinghua University. From 2017 to 2018, I was a Visiting Scientist at Cornell University (advisor: Andy Ruina). From 2016 to 2017, I was a Visiting Scholar at the State University of New York at Buffalo (advisor: John L. Crassidis). I received my B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Tianjin University in Control Science and Engineering in 2014 and 2019, respectively. Contact me:


  — 2024 —

First Prize in Reinforcement Learning for Humanoid Robot Simulation
Han Zheng, Yi Cheng, Hui Zhang, Houde Liu, Linqi Ye
Humanoid Robot Innovation Challenge, China Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Competition (CRAIC), 2024
M3Tac: A Multispectral Multimodal Visuotactile Sensor with Beyond-Human Sensory Capabilities
Shoujie Li, Haixin Yu, Guoping Pan, Huaze Tang, Jiawei Zhang, Linqi Ye, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Wenbo Ding
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2024
Cooperative Formation Control of USVs and UAVs Based on Reinforcement Learning
Ting Wu, Linqi Ye, Xianglong Li, Yan Peng
ARCAI, 2024
Multi-Brain Collaborative Control for Quadruped Robots
Hang Liu, Yi Cheng, Rankun Li, Xiaowen Hu, Linqi Ye, Houde Liu
CoRL, 2024
From Imitation Learning to Instruction Learning: A New Paradigm for Efficient Motion Learning
Linqi Ye, Jiayi Li, Yi Cheng, Xianglong Li, Houde Liu, Bin Liang
ICRA, 2024, late breaking results
The Fourth Placement in Quadruped Locomotion via Reinforcement Learning (Tele-operation Group)
Houde Liu, Linqi Ye, Yi Cheng, Guoping Pan, Hang Liu, Xueqian Wang, Yuheng Min, Chenxi Han, Han Zheng, Jiayi Li
ICRA Quadruped Robot Challenge (QRC), 2024
Agile and Versatile Bipedal Robot Tracking Control through Reinforcement Learning
Jiayi Li, Linqi Ye, Yi Cheng, Houde Liu, Bin Liang
arXiv, 2024
Quadruped Robot Traversing 3D Complex Environments with Limited Perception
Yi Cheng, Hang Liu, Guoping Pan, Linqi Ye, Houde Liu, Bin Liang
IROS, 2024
Structural Optimization of Lightweight Bipedal Robot via SERL
Yi Cheng, Chenxi Han, Yuheng Min, Linqi Ye, Houde Liu, Hang Liu, Bin Liang
IROS, 2024

  — 2023 —

Visuo-Tactile Sensor Enabled Pneumatic Device Towards Compliant Oropharyngeal Swab Sampling
Shoujie Li, Mingshan He, Wenbo Ding, Linqi Ye, Xueqian Wang, Junbo Tan, Jinqiu Yuan, Xiao-Ping Zhang
IROS, 2023
[video][PDF][web][IROS Best Application Paper Award Finalist]
Extended PID Controller for Nonminimum Phase Systems with Application to a Hypersonic Vehicle
Linqi Ye, Xueqian Wang, Bin Liang
IECON, 2023
From Knowing to Doing: Learning Diverse Motor Skills through Instruction Learning
Linqi Ye, Jiayi Li, Yi Cheng, Xianhao Wang, Bin Liang, Yan Peng
arXiv, 2023
[video] [PDF]
Feedforward Enhanced Reinforcement Learning Control for a Small Humanoid Robot KHR-3HV
Yucheng Xin, Linqi Ye, Xueqian Wang
Robio, 2023
Realizing Human-like Walking and Running with Feedforward Enhanced Reinforcement Learning
Linqi Ye, Xueqian Wang, Bin Liang
ICIRA, 2023
[video] [PDF]
Recovery from Injury-Learning Bipedal Jumping Skills with a Motor Output Torque Limit Curriculum
Jiayi Li, Linqi Ye, Yujie Sun, Houde Liu, Bin Liang
ICIRA, 2023
JamTac: A Tactile Jamming Gripper for Searching and Grasping in Low-Visibility Environments
Shoujie Li, Linqi Ye, Haixin Yu, Xianghui Yin, Chongkun Xia, Wenbo Ding, Xueqian Wang, Bin Liang
Soft Robotics, 2023
Visual–Tactile Fusion for Transparent Object Grasping in Complex Backgrounds
Shoujie Li, Haixin Yu, Wenbo Ding, Houde Liu, Linqi Ye, Chongkun Xia, Xueqian Wang, Xiao-Ping Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2023
Bipedal Walking Control by Using Acceleration Factor
Linqi Ye, Xueqian Wang, Houde Liu, Bin Liang, Bo Yuan
Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023
[video1][video2][video3] [PDF]
HeterBot: A heterogeneous mobile manipulation robot for versatile operation
Linqi Ye, Jiatai Guo, Jiayi Li, Houde Liu, Xueqian Wang, Bin Liang
IET Cyber‐Systems and Robotics, 2023
[video][full video] [PDF]

  — 2022 —

Design and control of a robotic system with legs, wheels, and a reconfigurable arm
Linqi Ye, Houde Liu, Xueqian Wang, Bin Liang, Bo Yuan
IET Cyber‐Systems and Robotics, 2022
[video] [PDF]
The Simplest Balance Controller for Dynamic Walking
Linqi Ye, Xueqian Wang, Houde Liu, Bin Liang
ROBIO, 2022
[video] [PDF]
TaTa: A Universal Jamming Gripper with High-Quality Tactile Perception and Its Application to Underwater Manipulation
Shoujie Li, Xianghui Yin, Chongkun Xia, Linqi Ye, Xueqian Wang, Bin Liang
ICRA, 2022
[video][PDF][ICRA 2022 Outstanding Mechanisms and Design Paper Award Finalist]
Ant3DBot A Modular Self-reconfigurable Robot with Multiple Configurations
Sen Niu, Linqi Ye, Houde Liu, Bin Liang, Zongxiang Jin
ICIRA, 2022
[video] [PDF]
Anti-Windup Robust Backstepping Control for an Underactuated Reusable Launch Vehicle
Linqi Ye, Bailing Tian, Houde Liu, Qun Zong, Bin Liang, Bo Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022
Safety-Oriented Teleoperation of a Dual-Arm Mobile Manipulation Robot
Jiatai Guo, Linqi Ye, Houde Liu, Xueqian Wang, Lunfei Liang, Bin Liang
ICIRA, 2022
Quasi-static Walking for Biped Robots with a Sinusoidal Gait
Shuangfei Wu, Changliang Wang, Linqi Ye, Xueqian Wang, Houde Liu, Bin Liang
CASE, 2022
Posture Stabilization Control for a Quadruped Robot Walking on Swaying Platforms
Jiayi Li, Linqi Ye, Zongxiang Jin, Houde Liu, Bin Liang
CASE, 2022
Effect of Foot Shape on Walking Performance of a Biped Robot Controlled by State Machine
Zhihao Zhou, Linqi Ye, Houde Liu, Bin Liang
ICIRA, 2022
Balance Control of an Inverted Pendulum on a Quadruped Robot by Reinforcement Learning
Shangyu Wu, Xianqing Lei, Linqi Ye
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022

  — 2021 —

An Extended PID Control Framework
Linqi Ye, Bin Liang, Xueqian Wang
CCTA, 2021
[video] [PDF]
Output Tracking of Uncertain Nonminimum Phase Systems by Experience Replay
Linqi Ye, Qun Zong, Bailing Tian
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2021
Universal Tracking Controller with Disturbance Rejection
Linqi Ye
SMC, 2021
[video] [PDF]
Symmetry in Biped Walking
Linqi Ye, Xueqian Wang, Houde Liu, Bin Liang
SMC, 2021
[video] [PDF]
Smooth Static Walking for Quadruped Robots based on the Lemniscate of Gerono
Xiaolong Ma, Linqi Ye, Houde Liu, Xueqian Wang, Bin Liang
CASE, 2021
Reinforcement Learning Tracking Control for Unknown Continuous Dynamic Systems
Linqi Ye, Jiayi Li, Changliang Wang, Houde Liu, Bin Liang
DDCLS, 2021
Optimized Static Gait for Quadruped Robots Walking on Stairs
Linqi Ye, Yaqi Wang, Xueqian Wang, Houde Liu, Bin Liang
CASE, 2021
Optimal Bounded Inversion for Nonminimum Phase Nonhyperbolic Systems
Linqi Ye, Yaqi Wang, Deshan Meng,Xueqian Wang, Bin Liang
SMC, 2021
Design of a Tactile Sensing Robotic Gripper and Its Grasping Method
Shoujie Li, Linqi Ye, Chongkun Xia, Xueqian Wang, Bin Liang
SMC, 2021
Control of an Underactuated Reusable Launch Vehicle by Partial Feedback Linearization
Linqi Ye, Jiayi Li, Changliang Wang, Houde Liu, Bin Liang
CCC, 2021

  — 2020 —

Multi-task Control for a Quadruped Robot with Changeable Leg Configuration
Linqi Ye, Houde Liu, Xueqian Wang, Bin Liang, Bo Yuan
IROS, 2020
[video] [PDF]
A Static Gait Generation for Quadruped Robots with Optimized Walking Speed
Yaqi Wang, Linqi Ye, Xueqian Wang, Nong Cheng, Houde Liu, Bin Liang
SMC, 2020

  — 2019 —

Task-oriented Hierarchical Control for a Quadruped Robot
Linqi Ye, Houde Liu, Xueqian Wang, Bo Yuan, Bin Liang
ROBIO, 2019
Impacts of Metarhizium brunneum F52 infection on the flight performance of Asian longhorned beetles, Anoplophora glabripennis
Eric H. Clifton, Jason Cortell, Linqi Ye, Thomas Rachman, Ann E. Hajek
PLOS ONE, 2019

  — 2018 —

Output-Redefinition-Based Dynamic Inversion Control for a Nonminimum Phase Hypersonic Vehicle
Linqi Ye, Qun Zong, John L. Crassidis, Bailing Tian
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018
Understand Human Walking through a 2D Inverted Pendulum Model
Linqi Ye, Xuechao Chen
Humanoids, 2018
Tracking control of an underactuated ship by modified dynamic inversion
Linqi Ye, Qun Zong
ISA Transactions, 2018
Control for MIMO Systems with No Relative Degree: Output Redefinition versus Dynamic Extension
Linqi Ye, Qun Zong, John L. Crassidis, Bailing Tian
ICCA, 2018

  — 2017 —

Control-oriented Modeling and Adaptive Backstepping Control for a Nonminimum Phase Hypersonic Vehicle
Linqi Ye, Qun Zong, Bailing Tian, Xiuyun Zhang, Fang Wang
ISA Transactions, 2017
Tracking control of nonminimum phase systems: an overview
Linqi Ye, Qun Zong, Bailing Tian, Fang Wang
Control Theory & Applications, 2017

  — 2016 —

Tracking Control of a Nonminimum Phase Inverted Pendulum
Linqi Ye, Qun Zong, Xiuyun Zhang, Dandan Wang, Qi Dong
CISC, 2016

  — 2015 —

Adaptive Control for a Non-minimum Phase Hypersonic Vehicle Model
Linqi Ye, Qun Zong, Xiuyun Zhang
CCC, 2015

  — 2013 —

A Distributed Agents QoS Routing Algorithm to Transmit Electrical Power Measuring Information in Last Mile Access Wireless Sensor Networks
Ting Yang, Wenping Xiang, Linqi Yee
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2013)